Saving image which is displayed using peek() in python -

  import matplotlib.pyplot plt   import sunpy.spectra   import   sunpy.spectra.sources.callisto import callistospectrogram   image =   image.peek() 

then how save image using command?

i don't have sunpy environment test on, can give following shot?

import matplotlib matplotlib.use('agg') import matplotlib.pyplot plt import sunpy.spectra import sunpy.spectra.sources.callisto import callistospectrogram image = image.plot() plt.savefig('myfig') 

based on generate images without having window appear:

the easiest way use non-interactive backend (see backend?) such agg (for pngs), pdf, svg or ps. in figure-generating script, call matplotlib.use() directive before importing pylab or pyplot:

import matplotlib matplotlib.use('agg') import matplotlib.pyplot plt plt.plot([1,2,3]) plt.savefig('myfig') 


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