c++ - Using argc in a constexpr, is it strictly required that any sub-expression involved be a constant expression? -


int main(int argc, char**) {     constexpr int = argc * 0;     (void)a;     constexpr int b = argc - argc;     (void)b;     return 0; } 

argc not constant expression, compiler still able compute results of a , b in compile time (i.e. 0) in both cases.

g++ accepts code above, while clang , msvc14 reject it.

does standard allows compiler being smart g++ regard constexpr?

neither argc * 0 nor argc - argc constant expressions, lvalue-to-rvalue conversion allowed in cases none of them apply here. if @ draft c++11 standard section 5.19 [expr.const] lays out exceptions. says:

a conditional-expression core constant expression unless involves 1 of following potentially evaluated subexpression [...]

and has several bullets including following on lvalue-to-rvalue conversion:

an lvalue-to-rvalue conversion (4.1) unless applied to

  • a glvalue of integral or enumeration type refers non-volatile const object preceding initialization, initialized constant expression, or

  • a glvalue of literal type refers non-volatile object defined constexpr, or refers sub-object of such object, or

  • a glvalue of literal type refers non-volatile temporary object lifetime has not ended, initialized constant expression;

it interesting note gcc not accept following code (see live):

constexpr int = argc * 2; 

so looks gcc saying know result 0 , therefore performs constant folding , not need perform lvalue-to-rvalue conversion of argc determine result.

unfortunately don't see provisions in section 5.19 allows kind of short-circuiting. looks similar case in int a=1, || 1 constant expression? has bug report no 1 gcc team has replied one. added comment bug report indicating seems related.

mark's comment below indicates bug:

there whole c++-delayed-folding branch on gcc developers working, delay number of optimizations , might fix this. important other reasons, rejecting code in question low priority

do constant expressions strictly require every sub-expression constant expression? no, example 5.19 says: (emphasis mine)

a conditional-expression core constant expression unless involves 1 of following potentially evaluated subexpression (3.2), but subexpressions of logical , (5.14), logical or (5.15), , conditional (5.16) operations not evaluated not considered [...]

so following constant expression:

constexpr int = false && argc * 0; 

because argc * 0 not evaluated since && evaluates left-to-right , short-circuits.


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