node.js - Im keep on getting an error trying to make a session variable -

i working on alexa skill. currently, trying users name , have session variable. but, whenever go test it, gives me error:

"errormessage": "requestid: 98b4fce1-9699-11e7-a585-43e1799b56fe process  exited before completing request" 

here typeerror in log:

typeerror: cannot read property 'slots' of undefined 

here code:

exports.handler = function(event, context, callback) {  var alexa = alexa.handler(event, context);  alexa.app_id = app_id;  alexa.registerhandlers(handlers);  alexa.dynamodbtablename = 'usersname';  alexa.execute(); };  var handlers = { 'launchrequest': function () { this.emit('launchintent'); },   'launchintent': function () {   this.atttributes['myname'] = this.event.request.intent.slots.myname.value   this.emit(':ask', 'hi! welcome welcoming alarm! name?'); },  'remebmbernameintent': function () { this.emit(':tell,', 'hi there!' + this.atttributes['myname']); }, 


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