Error running app with gRPC pod install on actual iOS device -

i trying integrate grpc ios app

i using current branch of grpc objective c.

i have integrated .podspec file , can build , run ios app in simulator mode, when try build , run app on actual iphone 6s following error

dyld: library not loaded: .framework/grpc referenced from: /var/containers/bundle/application/05197094-48b9-4fa9-9d4d-68ed83817c0f/ reason: image not found (lldb)

when remove pod app builds , runs on iphone, grpc, have tried adding grpc.framework embedded framework, nothing.

any ideas?

here .podspec |s|     = 'testgrpc'   s.version  = '0.0.1'   s.license  = 'apache 2.0'   s.authors  = { 'epic.' => ''}   s.homepage = ''   s.source = { :git => '' }   s.summary  = 'grpc api'    s.ios.deployment_target = '7.1'   s.osx.deployment_target = '10.9'    # base directory .proto files are.   src = '.'    # we'll use protoc grpc plugin.   s.dependency '!protocompiler-grpcplugin', '~> 1.0'    # pods directory corresponding app's podfile, relative location of podspec.   pods_root = '../pods'    # path cocoapods downloads protoc , grpc plugin.   protoc_dir = "#{pods_root}/!protocompiler"   protoc = "#{protoc_dir}/protoc"   plugin = "#{pods_root}/!protocompiler-grpcplugin/grpc_objective_c_plugin"    # directory want generated files placed. example.   dir = "#{pods_root}/#{}"    # run protoc objective-c , grpc plugins generate protocol messages , grpc clients.   # can run command manually if later change protos , need regenerate.   # alternatively, can advance version of podspec , run `pod update`.   s.prepare_command = <<-cmd     mkdir -p #{dir}     #{protoc} \         --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=#{plugin} \         --objc_out=#{dir} \         --grpc_out=#{dir} \         -i #{src} \         -i #{protoc_dir} \         #{src}/*.proto   cmd    # --objc_out plugin generates pair of .pbobjc.h/.pbobjc.m files each .proto file.   s.subspec 'messages' |ms|     ms.source_files = "#{dir}/*.pbobjc.{h,m}"     ms.header_mappings_dir = dir     ms.requires_arc = false     # generated files depend on protobuf runtime.     ms.dependency 'protobuf'   end    # --objcgrpc_out plugin generates pair of .pbrpc.h/.pbrpc.m files each .proto file   # service defined.   s.subspec 'services' |ss|     ss.source_files = "#{dir}/*.pbrpc.{h,m}"     ss.header_mappings_dir = dir     ss.requires_arc = true     # generated files depend on grpc runtime, , on files generated `--objc_out`.     ss.dependency 'grpc-protorpc'     ss.dependency "#{}/messages"   end    s.pod_target_xcconfig = {     # needed pods depend on protobuf:     'gcc_preprocessor_definitions' => '$(inherited) gpb_use_protobuf_framework_imports=1',     # needed pods depend on grpc-rxlibrary:     'clang_allow_non_modular_includes_in_framework_modules' => 'yes',   } end 


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