html - On form edit show preview -

i have following form:

<form method="post">     <p>title:</p>     <input type="text"/>     <p>size:</p>     <select>         <option>380*200</option>         <option>380*300</option>     </select>     <p>time:</p>     <select>         <option>1 month</option>         <option>2 months</option>     </select>     <p>image:</p>     <input type="file"/>     <p>more:</p>     <textarea></textarea>      <button type="button">preview</button>     <button type="button">submit</button> </form> 

and want show preview of form user when clicked preview button.i mean showing input values when user clicked preview button on modal or on form's below...
how can that?plz


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