java - Spring Data: How to write a record in join table for unidirectional one-to-may? -

i have subscription class , payment class. when following, doesn't create record in join table. should use intermediate class or possible create such record without it? subscriptionrepository crudrepository spring-data.

@transactional public subscription activate(@valid subscription subscription, @valid payment payment) {     set<payment> payments = subscription.getpayments();     if (payments == null)         payments = new hashset<>();      payments.add(payment);      return; } 



@entity public class subscription { ...     @onetomany(fetch = fetchtype.eager, cascade = cascadetype.all)     @jointable(             joincolumns = {@joincolumn(name = "subscription_id", referencedcolumnname = "id")},             inversejoincolumns = {@joincolumn(name = "payment_id", referencedcolumnname = "id", unique = true)}     )     @getter @setter     private set<payment> payments; } 


@entity public class payment {     @column     @id     @generatedvalue(     @jsonignore     private integer id;      @column(nullable = false)     private paymenttype paymenttype;      @past     @column(nullable = false)     private date date;      public enum paymenttype {         money,         promo_code,         trial     } } 

you forgot inject payments in subcription , repository , pojo seem fine

if (payments == null) {     payments = new hashset<>();     subscription.setpayments(payments);  } 


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